Watch: Liverpool’s strangely missed penalty kick against Newcastle today

close Mohamed Salah takes the strongest penalty kick in his football career, but a surprising thing happened that no one expected. Watch Liverpool get a penalty kick against Newcastle and Arnold holds the ball and prepares to take the kick, and at the last minute he leaves the ball to Mohamed Salah to score the …

Watch: Liverpool’s strangely missed penalty kick against Newcastle today قراءة المزيد »


Mohamed Salah takes the strongest penalty kick in his football career, but a surprising thing happened that no one expected.
Watch Liverpool get a penalty kick against Newcastle and Arnold holds the ball and prepares to take the kick, and at the last minute he leaves the ball to Mohamed Salah to score the first goal in 2024.
Newcastle’s goalkeeper stood in awe of Salah’s missile execution of penalty kicks, so look at the strangeness that occurred from Pride of the Arabs.
They watched the penalty kick that Mohamed Salah missed in a strange way and a strange execution that left everyone in a state of shock and amazement.

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