Watch: Salah’s second penalty kick against Newcastle today

close Newcastle goalkeeper provokes Mohamed Salah and laughs in his face before taking the second penalty kick, so look what Fakhr Al Arab did to him. Watch the crazy: Minute 86: The score is 3-2 and everyone is on their nerves. Liverpool gets a second penalty kick against Newcastle and Salah stands to take the …

Watch: Salah’s second penalty kick against Newcastle today قراءة المزيد »


Newcastle goalkeeper provokes Mohamed Salah and laughs in his face before taking the second penalty kick, so look what Fakhr Al Arab did to him.
Watch the crazy: Minute 86: The score is 3-2 and everyone is on their nerves. Liverpool gets a second penalty kick against Newcastle and Salah stands to take the kick, but what happened is an Egyptian myth.
The Newcastle goalkeeper stood provoking Salah and laughed sarcastically because he missed the first kick, so the Egyptian Pharaoh decided to take revenge on him more severely. He took revenge and went to celebrate in front of him to respond to his provocation before the goal.
Mohamed Salah changed the way penalty kicks were executed and scored a goal that silenced the provocative goalkeeper and caused an earthquake in the entire city of Liverpool.

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